Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday 11 August 2011

Ape mistiknya kena HIGH BEAM?

Ape itu HIGH BEAM? Adakah sejenis makanan? Klu makanan x kan mistik plak kot? So, ape plak yg mistiknya pasal kena high beam? Jeng jeng jeng...jom kte kupas topik nie!

Korg dh terase mistik plak ker? Jgn dlu, kasi hold dlu perasaan tue smpi la korg bace story mistik b'kenaan HIGH BEAM nie. Aku t'pggl tuk wt entry nie coz tgh hari td aku layan cari.com. Dh sekian lame gak aku x menerjah thread Misteri, Paranormal & Sakti nie coz aku sendiri pn penakut so x yah la menambahkan ketakutan sendiri dgn baca2 semua nie kan. Tp tue la arinie gatai tgn nk pi baca thread tue.

Thread nie plak menarik perhatian aku coz aku pn penah mengalami situasi nie. D mane aku pn penah kena high beam jgk tp knp kte kena high oleh kte lain x kire la drpd arah blkg atau arah b'tentangan. Korg penah ker kena high beam kt jln2 biase or highway mse korg drive? Mesti korg t'tanye2 kan nape org tue high beam. Sll org akan pikir...mesti kt dpn ade roadblock, so be prepared! If not ade kemalangan. 

Itu x mistik kan? Yg mistiknya bile org bg high beam tp kt dpn xder pn roadblock or kemalangan, jln clear jer tanpa sebarang gangguan. Tp adakah korg tau yg gangguan lain plak yg mengikut korg tanpa korg ketahui? Sbb tue la org dok bg high beam kt korg sbg isyarat supaya korg tau. 

Aku penah kena high beam mse kt highway, blkg aku bas! Time tue aku x drive sorg2 pn malah ade adik, akak n anak2 akak aku. Aku pn hangin jer nape bas tue nk high beam aku padahal aku d lane tgh (highway tue ade 3 lane). Yg wt aku hangin w/pn d lane tgh aku d kire laju la jgk w/pn x la speed sgt cm kt lane laju. Blh plak kan dia nk high beam aku. X sedarkan diri ko tue dh la bas kena la bw slow2. Dh byk kes kemalangan bas pn x reti2 ambil iktibar? Huhhh. 

Time aku kena high beam tue aku x penah t'pikir pn pasal benda2 mistik nie. Coz bg aku sbb dia nk suh aku lg laju supaya dia leh pecut laju lg. Ramai jgk yg b'pikiran cm aku sbb x tau hal2 mistik nie kan. Tp bile dh bace thread nie bru la aku sedar nape org high beam plus bile korg drive memalam! Scary x?

Lum cukup scary lg kan? Yelah mybe x kena kt korg lg kot or mybe penah kena high beam tp korg mmg x alami pn hal2 mistik nie. Ntah2 org tue gatai2 plak bg high beam kasi test power high beam dia kot. Hihihi. Gelak2 jgk meh nk kasi korg seram skit, aku copy & paste slh satu cte slh seorg user kt cari.com tue.

There is nothing like the real thing until you experience it. What I’m gonna to tell all of you happened to me & my family last week on 10 June. 
We were on our way back from KL taking the N & S highway. My 4 yrs old son sat beside me and my wife with the 2 yrs old son were on the rear seat. We stopped at Yong Peng around 7 pm to rest and perform our maghrib prayer. I performed my prayer with my 4 yrs old son. My wife couldn’t pray coz she was having her menses. There, we met a family from Johor & we had a casual conversation. 8pm. That was when we left Y.P and I intended to drive all the way to S’pore.
Everything was normal except it was really dark. No street lamps, just your car headlights and the full moon. Suddenly, both my sons started to cry and soon started to scream. At the same time, I noticed cars passing in the opposite direction flicked their high beams as they approached my car. I realised that only when my car came closer to the other cars that the high beam being flick. Then my wife started to cry. Hell …I was scared…I knew something was not right. I had to be tough. I knew the last thing I would do is to stop. I recited some Quran verse and pick up my speed.Suddenly a car approached beside me. I looked and I was glad… it was the family I met earlier. The man in the passenger seat pointed up indicating my car roof. I knew something was on top. He signaled to me to slow down & at same time I saw he was reciting something. Moments later I heard a shrieking laughter and I saw a white thing flew away. 
Pontianak…!!Eventually we stopped & the man came out to me. He told me there was a pontianak on top of the roof. I was stunned but kept the news from my wife. I knew the Pontianak was after her as she was having her mens. He told me that this was not new. It happened before. The man & his family offer to accompany until the causeway. I gladly accepted the offer & at the same time called my father to wait for me at Woodlands. 
You see, when u are travelling in the malaysian highway and cars opposite your direction flick their high beam, it can means two things. Firstly there are speed trap near by or secondly, you may experience the same thing as I did.
Tetibe t'ingat yg korg penah kena high beam sblm nie? Haaa, so bile drive mlm2 tue hati la yek n ape2 pn bace la ape2 yg ptt. Cm aku x hafal doa naik kenderaan so baca la ayat kursi.

Ok then, moga semua nie jd pengajaran kt kte semua ek. Klu leh klu korg yg gegurl kena drive memalam tue better ade teman la ek. Jgn la korg berani sgt nk drive sorg2, konon kebal sgt kan. Ade jgk yg advice sblm p'jlnn jauh tue ambik la wuduk dlu ek.

Selamat b'buka puasa n jgn membazir okeh!

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