Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Tik TOk Tik TOk

My besday just around the corner...5th July but my soulmate is was not there to hug and kiss me on my birthday. (Sdg menahan airmata jer nie while typing this entry).

My hubs away for outstations again after back from Kepala Batas on last Friday. What can I say? Just redha jelah sbb bising2 pn still jgk dia kena pegi keje tue.

Wowww, terasa pedih plak mata n hati nie mengenangkan hari tersebut. Can I just apply leave on that day? Can imagine I can work well on that day. On my special day! Should be celebrate with my hubby. But last year pn xde celebrate pn tp atleast dia ade dpn mata. 

CONFIRM  aku tgkp leleh aritue sbb mesti la my hubs just wish my birthday thru phone call. Klu jiwa kental, airmata b'takung jelah klu x kental confirm smpi tahap x leh nk cakap la sbb dh sebak punye pasal wehhh. Huwaaaaaaaaaaaa.  :(

 **Nk hadiah Samsung Galaxy Tab leh x? Klu la dpt kan...hrmmmm

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